第7章 蝉の声は世界に響く その1
第7章 蝉の声は世界に響く その1
Chapter 7 Cicada's Voice Resonates with the World Part 1
"Will it be destroyed, Yggdrasil?"
"Are the stars falling?"
"Do you take it?"
"Are you the only one to die for all the creatures on this planet?"
"When is it?"
"7 days later"
「何故だ! 何故貴方なのだ! 何故貴方が犠牲にならねばならぬ!」
"Why! Why are you! Why must you sacrifice!"
"Because I was born in this place, in this world."
第七章 蝉の声は世界に響く
Chapter 7 Cicada's voice echoes in the world
みなさん、見えていますか? 彼が輝きを増し、煌めく様が
Can you see everyone? The way he glows and shines
星たちの光に囲まれて、登ってゆく姿が、見えていますか? (ワーグナー)
Can you see yourself climbing, surrounded by the light of the stars? (Wagner)
ガリッ ガリッ という音とともに、像は少しづつ形を成す。もはやこの爪の扱いにも慣れたものだ。
With a squealing sound, the image gradually forms. I'm already used to handling these nails.
I have also come to understand the nature of trees. Where is hard and where is soft Where should I be careful? I gradually grasped such a trick.
Three days have passed since then.
Even if I'm clumsy, if I continue to sharpen my totem poles every day, I will get used to it.
It's going well. Everything is going well.
If there is one problem, maybe she is a model.
「どうした? 笑ってくれぬか? ハーピーよ、私はそなたの笑っている姿を彫りたいのだ」
"What's wrong? Can you laugh? Harpy, I want to carve your smiling face."
Harpy, who tried to laugh forcibly, distorted his cheeks painfully, and didn't have an adorable smile like that apple.
If you don't know what to do, you'll have to call a smile from your memory. Because I want to make the best totem pole.
"World tree is very sad."
A cold, hard voice hit me on my back as I worked hard.
"Oh, Newju. It was just right. The statue of Harpy will be completed today. I was going to carve you next time. Will you come to me tomorrow?"
"I'm saying that Sekaiju is very sad!"
"Okay... so tell me there's nothing to be sad about."
It sounded like stones rubbed against each other.
It was a gritty sound that I couldn't think of leaking from the mouth of an adorable girl.
「自分で言えばいいでしょう! 毎日毎日こんなものを作って! なぜ! …なぜ、世界樹様に会ってくださらないのですか!」
"You can say it yourself! Every day, make something like this! Why! …Why don't you meet Seiki?"
"...I'm a weak man. I decided not to meet until the last day."
I haven't seen Yggdrasil since that day.
The summer sun struck and my throat rang. I drank water from the drinking fountain.
Yggdrasil is in the direction of the rocky mountain on my back. The huge rocky mountain is hiding my body from the world tree.
From here Yggdrasil cannot see me, nor can I see her.
"Will you go to see me on the last day?"
"Oh, I promise."
"... Can I believe it?"
"I will keep my promise"
Look at Nuju's eyes and answer with dignity. Nuju gazed at me, grinded again, and disappeared in the direction of Yggdrasil.
Looking back, Harpy, who had asked me to laugh, was crying without raising his voice.
Newju, who had asked for a model, didn't come to me the next day.
Five days have passed since I last met Yggdrasil.
The red star is already large enough to be seen by creatures other than dragons. There is little time left.
In front of me, the necks of Fasold, Fafner, Gecko, Lamia, Harpy and Newju are lined up.
"Um. Oita is nearing completion."
The faces of everyone stacked vertically are laughing. Recently, no one has shown me that smile...
All my friends laugh beautifully. That's why I carved the smiles of everyone I love.
"After all, she must also carve..."
I'm not good at it, but she is my friend. I turn my back in the direction of the nest and yell.
"Oh, I'm thirsty. Do you drink water?"
About three minutes later, head to the drinking fountain in front of the burrow.
The drinking fountain, which is directly connected to the groundwater that Geco dug up, has a large amount of water springing up and the bottom cannot be seen because it foams like carbonated water.
It is a wonderful drinking fountain where you can always drink fresh natural water.
If you pour it into your face with a pomelo and drink it, the coldness of the freshly groundwater will surely moisten your throat.
By the way, although the Lizardman race has a long breath, it cannot breathe underwater.
Even if it was lurking in the water at best, it was only 5 minutes.
After waiting for a while, a white head came to me.
"Hmm...Isn't it close to me? Lizardman shrine maiden"
"Thank you very much. My lord."
Sculpture the face of the Lizardman Priestess. She sits on an affordable rock, smiling at me with a cool smile.
When the model is collaborative, the job gets better. The shape is gradually made as if it is rustling or rustling.
"... you laugh properly."
"You tell me to laugh. Is there any more joy in this world?"
"...Yes, I was the object of your faith."
It reminds me of the fanaticism of Yggdrasil when Newju woke up.
Follow anything if commanded. If you are told to die, you will happily die.
What is the relationship between what is believed and what is believed? Can't you call it a friend?
From then on I kept silently digging the totem pole.
"My sir, I can't measure what you're thinking about, and I don't have the right to say anything about it..."
She kept silent as a model and suddenly opened her mouth.
"I believe in you. Everything you do is right for me."
I don't quite understand the meaning of her words. However, I felt that there was a core strength different from blind faith and fanaticism.
"... but only one, let me say to myself as a woman..."
The Lizardman shrine maiden, who was still smiling and still, suddenly fell abruptly and pressed her forehead against the ground.
「どうか、どうか、命を投げ出すような事だけはおやめ下さい! どうか、どうか。私は貴方をお慕いしております故。どうか! どうか!」
"Please, don't just give up your life! Please, please. Because I love you. Please!"
The Lizardman shrine maiden once again sat on the rock and smiled.
The soil on the forehead fell apart.
At her wish, I could only speak silently.
Only the work has progressed.
6th day. Totem pole is nearing completion.
The last thing to be carved on the top is fixed.
Taiki Yggdrasil
Carve her figure on the top of the totem pole.
Imagine a beautiful figure that gently rises and rises in the sky.
The final sculpture, which included all of the admiration, thoughts and respect, was completed on the sixth night.
…But it was completed, but something wasn't enough.
Suddenly, I was playful.
I slightly scrape the Yggdrasil trunk and carve a small ledge on it.
It was playful that was lacking.
The totem pole was completed by adding the appearance of a dragon that clings to Taiki like a cicada.
On the morning of the seventh day, wake up before the night opens.
The red star wears a large ring like the moon, and shines great sinisterly.
It's the last day.
First, head to Iwayama.
Black rock mountain that Fassolt and Fafner asked me to do something about. A week ago, it was that rocky mountain that only scratched slightly.
Set an aim.
Take a big breath and mix the magical power and air in your belly. Reverberate the sound produced in the belly and make it hundreds of times louder.
That is my true roar.
A roar explodes on a rocky mountain while raising the swell.
After the dust had scraped off, what I saw was a rocky mountain that shattered into pieces.
A week ago, my body was plump and fat, and now it's completely restored.
Of course. I haven't eaten anything in the last 7 days.
I used to just pour water into my stomach that spilled over.
I've never met her so as not to be tempted by the sap.
Turning to the voice, Newju was looking up at me.
Was good. I had a farewell farewell, so I wanted to see you again at the end.
"Newju, I have a request."
I make a wish to my friend.
"I ask for Yggdrasil. She's sure to hurt her, even for me."
「頼むって、まさか…、竜さん…! あなた!」
"I asked, no way..., Ryu-san...! You!"
"Nuju, you're an expert."
I tried to take the word off at the end, but a sharp and high voice like a wildcat stopped me.
「貴方は…、生まれたばかりなのでしょう!? 生まれてまだ、3週間しか経っていないのでしょう!? なんで、なんで!?」
"You... are you just born!? You're only three weeks old!? Why, why?"
Nuju's words didn't make sense to me.
"Isn't it enough to live for three weeks?"
The place to go to the end is fixed. I will be there after seven days.
When I touched the trunk of Yggdrasil, a torrent of emotions and words ran through me.
「ああっ! ああっ! 本当に! 本当に会いに来てくれたのですね! 同居人さん!」
"Ah! Ah! Really! You really came to see me! Housemate!"
She no longer lives with me, she still called me a cohabitant.
"I came to say goodbye. Yggdrasil."
「ああ、ああ! 同居人さん! ありがとうございます! 会いに来てくれて! 最後に会いに来てくれてっ! 別れを言いに来てくれてっ! ありがとうございます! 本当に、ありがとうございます!」
"Oh, oh! Housemate! Thank you! Come to see me! Come to see me last! Come to say goodbye! Thank you! Thank you very much! "
Far from blaming me for not coming to see me, Yggdrasil thanked me again and again.
「ああっ! そんなに痩せてしまって! 最後になりますが、好きなだけ飲んで下さい! お腹いっぱい! 好きなだけ!」
"Oh! I'm so thin! Last but not least, please drink as much as you want! I'm full! Just as much as I like!"
The sweet smell of the sap almost pulled my hunger away, but I desperately endured.
When I told him, "I don't need the sap," Yggdrasil suddenly became calm as if he was cold, and replied, "Is that so?"
"I came to fulfill my promise."
「約束したであろう? 完成したら必ず見せると」
"You promised? Be sure to show it when it's completed."
I stabbed the totem pole just behind the trunk of Zakuri and Yggdrasil.
「ギリギリになってしまったがやっつけ仕事などではないぞ。どうだ? 中々のものだろう? 私が作ったトーテムポールだよ。教えは受けたが全部私が作ったものだぞ」
"I'm at the last minute, but it's not a hard job. How about it? It's a medium thing. It's a totem pole I made. I was taught, but it was all made by me."
Yggdrasil was silent for a while. She has no eyes, but I could feel that I was staring at it in my hand.
「その‥、反対側も見せてもらってもいいですか? しっかりと記憶に焼き付けておきたいのです」
"Is it okay if the other side is also shown? I want to keep it in memory."
Slowly turn the totem pole you have in your hand.
After the totem pole made one lap, one more lap, and the third lap, Yggdrasil stopped me, saying, "It's okay."
"My co-resident..., really, to you... how grateful should I be?"
The air that Yggdrasil wears has changed to the usual gentle and gentle atmosphere.
"Three weeks since I met you. It was really, really fun."
I feel that Yggdrasil's words contain more than words.
"I'm so glad I met you"
"I am also. Yggdrasil"
"So you live together"
The voices of me and Yggdrasil overlap.
"You will absolutely protect me"
"You will definitely protect me"
Yggdrasil was amazed at the wording that was almost the same as that that came out of my mouth.
Flutter your wings.
「待って! 同居人さ‥」
"Wait! Live together..."
You cannot talk with Yggdrasil unless you touch some parts of it, such as the trunk and roots.
So I can't hear her voice in the sky. A wingless Yggdrasil cannot keep up with me.
I realized I didn't say goodbye, but I don't know how.
Ascend to the sky with dragon wings and magic.
The night had already begun, but some first-class stars were still twinkling.
The center of the triangle made by first-class stars.
I flew straight toward the sinister red star.