第6章 竜と少女の夏休み その7
第6章 竜と少女の夏休み その7
Chapter 6 Ryu and Girl's Summer Vacation Part 7
By the time Newju settled down, the sun was tilting west.
Although the sunset is not so strong, the oblique rays are somewhat milder than during the day.
"...Hmm, I can't really understand what's dirty. I'm born and eat only the sap of Yggdrasil. The elixir made from the sap of Yggdrasil can't be dirty."
"...That's already good. I saved my life..."
Even so, the girl was somewhat dissatisfied. Despite being a child, a woman's heart is rather difficult.
"Well then, let's guide you to my house"
「家? 世界樹様のところに帰るの?」
"Are you going home?
"No, it's a temporary lodging in the Yggdrasil cave. I'm building a new house now."
Me and Nuju say good-bye to Gekco. At the time of parting, Gheco rang "Gekoru!"
Newju turned his big hand back to Gecko.
In front of the nest gate, two giants stood like a gatekeeper.
Two big men that are about the size of me. It may be the first time to see a giant. Nuju, who admitted it from the sky, wondered, "There is a very big person!"
The two giants immediately found this.
"Oh dragon, wait!"
「こ・・こ、こんにちわ、りゅ・りゅ・りゅう様。…お、おや? そ、そ、その、娘っ子は、だ、誰なんだな?」
"Ko...ko, hello, Ryu, Ryu, Ryu-sama....Oh, hey, yeah, that, the daughter, who is it?"
Introducing the girl who was turning around with the loud voices of Fassolt and Fafner.
The giants laughed with excitement, saying, "It's almost like a baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
To the girl who gently asked me, "What is Menkoi?" "That's pretty," he said. I looked down to hide my face.
"By the way, what happened to you both today?"
I wonder if I have something to do more than say I've been waiting.
Fasold and Fafner said, "Oh, yes, it seems." The two of us carried a huge box.
"New Year celebration"
"Ryuryu, I think it's just right to put in Ryu-sama's treasure."
The thing they carried was a huge chest of drawers about the height of my shoulders.
How big a tree was cut from? The multi-layered annual rings have an organic and intricate pattern, and the luster of the young varnish gives off a bright glow and a distinctive smell.
It also seems to be very functional as well as aesthetically pleasing.
The drawers are equipped with various drawers with a total size of about 20 and it is perfect for organizing treasures by type.
The metal fittings of the puller are also finely crafted with bronze.
「これは…、素晴らしい! このタンスこそが私にとっては何よりの財宝だよ! ファゾルト、ファフナー! ありがとう! ありがとう!」
"This is... amazing! This chest is the treasure for me! Fasold, Fafner! Thank you! Thank you!"
I wasn't interested in the treasures left by the dragon of the previous generation, but I'm excited when I think that I'm going to get into this chest. No one can make such a gem except for them.
「これっ!? 作ったの? 巨人さんが?」
"This?! Did you make it? The giant?"
How many times will Newju be surprised today? While looking up at the closet, I sighed with exclamation.
"Is it okay to check inside?"
Nodded of course the two giants.
I open the chests one by one and observe each corner carefully and carefully.
Newju looked at me and asked, "Are you looking for something?" and replied, "I'm sure there's nothing."
Umu. Impurities (lizard man) are not mixed.
I thanked them again.
"Oh no Ryu-sama, what happened to the totem pole?"
"Oh, I've been pushing a little for the past few days. I'm not making much progress. Would you mind watching me for a moment?"
"Oh, it's cheap."
The final image of Fassolt and Fafner, the base of the totem pole, and the final finishing work will be conducted under the guidance of the two people.
Newju's blue eyes were gazing at us as we proceeded.
「やってみたいのか? ニュージュよ」
After a long pilgrimage, Newju nodded with Kokuri.
"Hmm..., but there's plenty of shavings left over from excess wood..."
"Ryu-sama, the daughter's claws, the wood is carved."
No fleas are used in my sculpture. The dragon's claws are sharper than any chisel, and you don't have to use tools. The work tools the giants hang on their hips are about the size of Newju, and it is impossible for her to handle them.
When I was wondering what was going on, Fafner said something like this.
"Well, I think I can make something with clay for my daughter."
The two giants began to dig the soil on the spot.
When the hole became as deep as the knees of a giant, he said, "That's it. That's it." He scooped up the gray solid soil with his big hands.
A block of clay larger than Newju's body was placed in front of Don and her eyes.
"If this is the case, you should be able to make shapes with your daughter's hands."
"Su, you, I hope you make something you like."
Newju seemed to see clay for the first time, and when he touched it with his forefinger, he was surprised at its elasticity and softness.
But after that, she was stuck in front of the clay.
「どうした? 何か問題でもあったか?」
"What happened? Was there any problem?"
The eyes of a lost girl look up at me.
"What do you like to make?"
…HM. You can't just beat it like a drum.
I can't give an answer to a Newju question.
The dragon is the most knowledgeable creature in the world. However, it is only known.
When it comes to wisdom, such as inspiration and wit, I'm still a hiyoko.
But I still think that's fine. That's what an experienced friend makes up for.
"Oh, okay, at first, it's okay, the plates and the cups are simple, I think."
"Well, the potter's wheel doesn't have to be very clean, but it also has its own taste."
「コップ? コップを作れるの? …これで?」
"Cup? Can you make a cup? With this?"
Newju looks at the block of gray clay with an incredible look.
On the other hand, wasn't it clay, but clay?
「その土はな。焼けば硬くなって、そなたの知るようなコップや皿に変わるのだよ。そうであるな? ファゾルト、ファフナー。」
"The soil is so hard that when you burn it it becomes hard and turns into a cup or plate that you know. Right? Fasold, Fafner."
The two giants nodded with a muddy smile.
Nuju tears off about two fist-sized chunks of clay. I started to make something seriously with my eyebrows close.
The giants made Newju love everything, except to teach only the basics, such as "It's better to work harder."
Indeed, Newju was making two cups.
It was an awkward and distorted cup, but it certainly has a taste.
"Two, make it."
The girl answers as she cheeks.
"That... thanks to Harpy-san. You gave me your clothes."
"...I see, she'll be happy too."
The giants took the two cups made by Nuju and brought them home on a board so that they would not lose their shape. After drying, it seems to be baked in a kiln.
I told them to decide what color they would like to bring again after the unglazed, and they returned to the workshop with a laugh as usual.
Nyuju waited until he couldn't see the two big guys, and said Potsuri.
"I have a lot of friends..."
I answer with dignity to Newju, who seems to be lonely.
"Um, at least not as many as you."
Didn't I understand the meaning of my words? Newju looked up at her with a fluffy eye.
「気がつかなかったのか? 今日、そなたが出会った私の友人達は、既にそなたの友人でもあるということに」
"Did you not notice? My friends I met today are already yours as well."
"And Newju. I also think of you as a friend."
Tears and tears spill from the girl's eyes.
A child who cries really well. I was crying, looking up while hiking.
After a long and enjoyable day, twilight dominates the world.
Even though it's summer, the night gets cold. It might be a little cold for humans.
I decided to collect shavings from totem poles and branches to set fire.
Smoke streaks rise into the purple sky. First-class stars are already shining in the sky.
"Prophecy...Is it wrong?"
While sitting, Newju, staring at the flame, suddenly cut out such a thing.
"What is a prophecy?"
It seemed to me that Newju had been worried for a while whether to answer my question or not, but slowly, hesitantly, he began to spin.
"Already ten years ago, a shrine maiden who had been engraved predicted that a bad dragon that would destroy the world would appear."
「ふむ? 私はこの世界が滅んで欲しいなどとは、つゆほどにも思っていないよ」
"Hmm? I don't really want this world to be destroyed."
"Yeah, I knew that. So I wonder if the prophecy was wrong.. All. I wish it was wrong. That, and the continuation of the prophecy."
「ほう? それはどんな続きだ?」
"Huh? What is it like?"
After another long silence, Newju squeezed.
"... Instead of destroying the world, the world tree is destroyed. Together with the dragon."
Nuju's words were by no means inaudible.
今なんと言った? ユグドラシルが滅ぶだと?
What did you say now? Will Yggdrasil be destroyed?
「あっ、でも、違うの! 竜って決まったわけじゃなくて。予言にも意味の分からない所があったし…」
"Oh, but not! It wasn't decided that a dragon. There was a place in the prophecy that didn't make sense..."
「ニュージュ! 教えろ! どんな予言だ!」
"Nuju! Tell me! What kind of prophecy!"
It doesn't matter if I destroy or not, it doesn't matter.
Yggdrasil is destroyed.
The words and horror screamed in my head.
"The prophecy doesn't necessarily hit the target," Nuju said many times before he began to apologize for the prophecy that a human shrine maiden left behind.
"Visiting from outside the world, destroying, breaking shells, and eating all of the stars. But Sacred Tree turns over its destiny. The blood of the Star becomes the Blood of the Sacred Tree, and the death of the Star changes to the death of the Sacred Tree. By fertilizing the remains of the sacred tree, people will enjoy eternal prosperity.''
How shocking was that word for me? I couldn't even mojirogi and forgot to breathe.
「あっ、で、でも外の世界ってところがよく解らなかったの! 刻詠みの巫女様も、意味がわからないって言ってたらしくて! ちょうど予言の年が竜の寿命と重なったから。次に産まれて来る竜に違いないって、そういう話になっただけで…。それに、さっきも言った通り、予言も絶対じゃないから!」
"Oh, but I couldn't really understand the outside world! It seems that the shrine maiden who had the engraving couldn't understand the meaning! Just because the year of prophecy coincided with the life of the dragon. It was just a story that it must be a coming dragon... And, as I said, the prophecy is not absolute!"
Newju desperately explains. "The prophecy is not absolute," said Nuju, but I understood that the prophecy was true.
"No doubt. Newju, that's... the disaster..."
No one from the outside world knows what the word means, except for those who know the existence of another world.
"...That disaster is me"