第6章 竜と少女の夏休み その6
第6章 竜と少女の夏休み その6
Chapter 6 Dragon and Girl's Summer Vacation Part 6
「…な、何だったの? アレ?」
"... what was that?
Newju releases his hand from the blocked ear.
Hmm, was Trance Music a little too early for her...
Art is often esoteric.
Art is not all that is needed to create "Ukel objects".
Art is something that both the creator and the recipient walk into the future.
The new work makes the audience discover a new world. The new world gives birth to new works.
The creator and the recipient proceed in an intertwined manner, rolling. That is the way art should be.
"That's music. Newju."
"Oh, music...?"
Alas, I grew up without knowing music.
Then tell her. What is music like?
In the world of art, it is a work that includes “after talk” and commentary.
Me and Gecko decided to teach Nuju what music is.
“Okay, first of all, let's start with the music...
“…And the invention of music will bring music to further development…”
"... But there is also music in the world with no score..."
"...As the territory of the empire spreads, the music will mix and change..."
“…Even if you say a bit of sound, there are hundreds of musical instruments in the world in the first place...”
"...The above is music. Did you understand?"
It seems that the music history course of me and Gecko was too difficult for the girl.
Hmm, I'm in trouble. Since it's already difficult to teach music to learn, how can we teach her music?
As I was thinking about it, Gecko slammed my chest with the gesture of leaving it to me.
"I see, get used to it rather than learn it... There is certainly some reason. Um, I'll leave it to you.
As Gecko walks in front of Newju, he sticks his face out and swells his throat as before.
Suddenly a huge white cheek pouch spread out in front of me, Newju shrugged and stepped back a couple of steps.
"Nuju, don't be afraid. It's an instrument. Come on, hit your gecko's throat so hard."
「た、たたく…? こ、コレを…?」
"Don't worry, Gecko is strong. You don't feel any slight pain or pain when you hit it with all your might."
Geko affirmed me by nodding powerfully.
「さあ叩け! 思いきりだ! 遠慮などするな!」
"Come on! Hit it! Don't be shy!"
暫くニュージュは躊躇していたが、私が「さあ! 叩け! 叩くのだ! 力いっぱい!」と迫り続けると、目をギュッと瞑って、右手を大きく振りかぶった。
For a while, Newju was hesitant, but as I continued to urge, "Come on! Hit! Hit! I'm full of strength!"
The palm swung down toward the front firmly grasps the thin and greatly stretched Gecko's throat.
A high bouncing sound echoed.
Newju was surprised at the sound that Gekco produced.
"Oh, it hurt?"
With her mouth closed and her swelling inflated, Gecko squinted her head to the left and right while teaching her that the girl's care was useless.
「どうだ? ニュージュよ。面白いものだろう? さあ、もっと叩いてみなさい」
"How about? Newju. It's interesting. Come on, hit it."
Nuju again strikes with his right and left hands alternately.
ポーンッ ポーンッ
Then, two sounds are produced this time. Nuju was comparing his hands with Gecko's throat with his eyes rounded.
"I feel more disgusting when I get hit..."
"...Um, Gecko's cheeks are an instrument. I don't make any unpleasant sounds. Hands can make not only unpleasant feelings, but also fun feelings."
叩かれた事があるのか? などと、聞くつもりはない。辛いことを思い出させるよりも、楽しいことを知ってもらいたいのだから。
Have you been hit? I don't mean to ask. I want people to learn more about fun than to remind them of painful things.
"Happy feeling...?"
"Come on, hit it more, whatever you want, whatever you want."
ニュージュはコクリと頷くと、ポンッ ポンッ ポーンッ ポンッ ポンッ ポーンッと、ゲーコの喉袋を続けて叩いた。
Nuju nodded with Kokuri, and struck him continuously with Gecko's throat.
A bright and light sound bounces. Sounds are produced according to Newju's hands.
Then, I started to hit another place with another rhythm.
Newju was just amazed at the changing sound and melody every time I changed the place where I hit.
Did she notice? To my smile floating in my mouth.
To say that the feeling I'm feeling now is "fun".
For about an hour, Newju was crazy about playing the drums.
しかしもはや体力が限界なのだろう。倒れこむように最後の一音を打った後、ペタリと腰を地につけて、ふーっ ふーっ、と、大きく肩で息をした。
However, physical strength is probably the limit. After hitting the last note to collapse, I put my hips on the ground and fluffed with my shoulders.
A lot of sweat was flowing from the small forehead.
Gaeko, who has always been a musical instrument for girls, opened her mouth.
A girl who couldn't understand Geco's words turned around and asked for a help boat.
「楽しかった? と、聞いているのだよ」
"I'm asking, was it fun?"
Looking back at Gaeco, Newju nodded many times, saying "Uhhhhh!"
"It was good.
Nods of tears spilled out of the girl's eyes as she nodded.
It is said that a baby who cries well will grow up healthy, but will it apply to a girl who is no longer a baby?
As I watched the tears and sweat spilling from the girl's face, I suddenly stood up.
「喉は乾いていないか? ニュージュよ」
"Is your throat dry? Newju."
"Okay, I can give it out any time if I like it with elixir, but should I drink it?"
「エ、エリクシールッ!? そんな…、エリクシールなんて、実在するわけが!」
"D, Elixir!? That's... there's a real Elixir!"
The word Elixir made a huge denial in Newju.
It's not impossible. The formula would have been lost thousands of years ago.
「在るのだよエリクシールは。知らなかったか? 古代兵器から開放される唯一の手段を」
"It's there, Elixir. Didn't you know? The only way to get rid of ancient weapons."
Newju looked hurt and looked at her right arm. It seems that he finally remembered that he was eroded by ancient weapons.
"Only Elixir can save those who have been devoured by ancient weapons..."
"That's right. Did you know?"
I affirmed the stunned words. Newju looks up at me.
I had been with the girl all day today, but for the first time with her, I was able to make sure eye contact.
"... Well, what is elixir? It is possible to purify it by using the leaves of the world tree and the live blood of true dragon, and by performing a complicated process."
"Oh, my, I..."
The girl's eyes sway. Perhaps he realized the contradiction that the evil dragon helped himself.
"I didn't have to do that kind of annoying thing, but I found an easier way to make it."
"I, until now, wow, even a bad dragon, forever"
"By adding my body fluids to Yggdrasil sap..."
I stripped off the Nepenthes that were growing nearby.
"Come on, this is elixir. Drink as much as you want."
「ごご‥、ご、獄炎よ! 煉獄より解き放たれし黒き焔で忌まわしき世界の全てを喰らい尽くせえッ!」
"Go, go, hell flame! Let's eat all of the world that is abomination with black flames released from purgatory!"
A huge flame emanating from the girl's hand vaporized the elixir along with the Nepenthes.